Take a bus going to SAN ANTONIO, ZAMBALES (PHP270.00 Victory Liner) you want to leave early because the trip will be as long as 6 hours. We left at 11PM.
You will get off the bus when you reach the San Antonio Police Station. There will be Tricycles waiting there (PHP20 per head)
Tell the manong driver that you need to go to Pundaquit. They pretty much know where you wanna go and they will be the ones to offer you boat rides going to the islands of Anawangin, Capones and Camara.
1 Island trip - PHP 500.00
3 Island-trip - PHP 1500.00
We arrived in Pundaquit at around 4AM, we stayed at the boatman's house till it's time for us to tour the islands (5AM). On the 1st day we stayed at Anawangin (after the tour of the other 2 isles). It's a little spooky during night time, actually 4pm becomes nighttime in that place. It's so dark and eery. We set up our tent, since there is no, and I mean zero, resort or cottage in the area.
Like what I've said, the place is pretty - enchanting even, but I did not enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Galera or Batangas. Maybe it's the "city girl" in me but the simpleness of place made it too inconvenient.
Problem #1. It's very hot specially during the afternoon! You would think that it'll be breezy with all the trees around - but no! It's sooo humid and there is no electricity so that translates to no cold water to drink, NO COLD ANYTHING. You can take a dip on the beach though. (I can't freakin' swim and there are sudden deep ends in the beach, so I did not risk my limited swimming skills)
Problem #2. Bathroom. There are toilets in each side of the island, but if you're even a little sensitive to smell, you'd hate it like I did. It's stinks. There was no floating shit or anything but it smells like urine and I hate it. I mean, thanks to the caretakers because I know they are doing all that they can to maintain the place and they are good people! God bless them, but city people are starting to swamp there and it's causing the place to smell like week old piss!
Problem #3. I can't sleep because although we have tent and earthpad, I can still feel the sand, I'm worried that I'll kill the little crabs in the sand (which thrive in the place! There are these tiny white crabs that scared the hell outta me at first but later on I just got worried I'll step on them and kill them)
Those are the 3 big problems that I encountered in the place. Again! I want to emphasize the beauty and the peacefulness of Anawangin but it's just not for me. It's lovely and it should stay that way. I'm not asking for resorts or anything because it'll just bring more people to it and I think it's best to keep the place as it is. An inhabited island.
But, still if you're planning to go prepare about PHP 4,000.00 (per head for 2 nights, 1 night in Anawanging Island, if you'll stay at the resort for both nights prepare 5-6k) for fare and budget while in Anawangin, bring the following:
1. your own tent
2. flashlight
3. batteries
4. drinking water
5. cooking stuff or canned goods.
6. camera...
here are some pictures...


us eating...Ü

There are plenty of resorts in Pundaquit if you don't feel like staying in Anawangin. We stayed in Megan's but the resort beside it has a pool and it's much prettier all at the same price (wink) just walk around first before deciding to stay or ask the boatman for a good place to stay. So there. Hope this helps. Hehehe.
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