I booked the trip Aug 1. Paid for the reservation and I couldn't be more excited.
When the day finally arrived we are all hyped. Mom and dad woke up at 6am, while I woke up at 8am, still dizzy from the night before, haha! I had to attend a farewell party but anyway.
The sun is no-show for 3 days straight prior to our trip so I was really praying for God to grant my request of good weather. It was sooo sunny when we left and I was all smiles!
We were chatting and super excited. There was a typhoon reported the night before named Mina. Apparently it's gonna be very rainy in the Southern Tagalog region. EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE GOING. I was holding on to my prayers. Deep inside I know there is a chance of rain...
Then came the dark clouds...
then the heavy. AS IN ZERO VISIBILITY... Dad said that was the worst ever!
We turned right to Talisay, we were glad we're it was over. We passed at at least 5 cars who needed to pull over due to the downpour. Then, I saw the clear skies. You know that feeling and/or sight of the sky when you know it won't rain as much anymore? That feeling came on to me. Although it was still drizzling, I felt different. It felt calm... Then we entered the welcoming gates of CBI.
It was super! I'd be happy even if we'll just view the lake from our room... It was still raining when I came out of the car to get our keys from the beautiful Reception area... Dad had to go back and forth for me and my mom cause there's only one umbrella Haha! My dad has never been this excited to have his picture taken. He was posing for pictures and he was smiling mind you! LOL! They loved it.
After 10 min we heard that the storm has passed. Then we came out...
That was the same gate we entered barely 20 mins ago. No rain. Not even the slightes sign of bad weather. The pavement was dry and the weather was perfect for walks along the well maintained place. No signs of rain, apart from the the moist petals and leaves of the tall trees...

I had a great time. It never rained again the entire time we were there... It's an amazing experience. The place was perfect, my parents are happy. Nothing more to ask.
God, leaves me speechless everytime! Wow!
Some more photos here.