I've been waiting.
As funny or even as absurd as it may sound to others, I've been waiting to have a dream about MJ. I've been wanting to share a dream just like most of my friends here are doing, but I just haven't gotten anything to share. I have "fantasies" about him (not sexual really)
Till November 1st when I woke up from what I can only describe as the best sleep ever.
It was Sunday, I just watched This Is It for the 2nd time the night before and I was still having that "MJ high" I fell asleep Saturday night at around 10pm. I was sooo tired but I wanted to think about Michael first. Putting it in his words, I want to let it "simmer" hihi, but I was too damn tired that I just drifted.
Then I was taken to a place that looked like a garden restaurant or something, there were tables and chairs made from steel, you know the heavy ones that you see in rustic restos? Those. None of the other seats were occupied although all the tables have lit candles in the middle, enclosed in colored glass bowls which made them look more dramatic, there were trees draped with Xmas lights but it doesn't look festive and a moss covered wall separated the restaurant from the street (I think it's a street). I was wearing a red dress, it's not MY dress and I haven't worn red in a long time (
http://www.flickr.com/photos/figandplum/524910161/ exactly the dress! I think it's saved in my head since I tried a similar one Friday afternoon, that is what my best friend wants me to wear on Dec for her wedding).
So I was there, I was alone. It was rather cold and I don't have a clue why I'm there or why I was barefoot but the bricks I'm stepping on were a little warm. Then from behind the wall a guy who wore black blazer over a white t-shirt came out, he looked dashing in his black denim pants. I cannot mistake who it was. I just needed to be sure. Then, flashes filled the place but no one followed him, it was just him and the sounds of cameras clicking, then it went quiet as if somebody closed the door or something. I was sinking in my seat, I was the only one there and he's coming near me. He sat on the chair in front of me then asked me if I was waiting for long. Yes, in his sweet angelic voice. I didn't answer, then he spoke again,
"I hope I didn't make you wait here for long"then I said
"no" monotone, with the a confused look in my face,
then he laughed, his laugh was like he heard something very funny, I don't know if it's because I sounded stupid or because he thought I was cute (LMAO, ok it's probably the 1st one) I was still wrinkling my forehead because he didn't even ask for my name. He didn't ask if I was his date, nothing, he just sat down as if he knew me.
Then, there was familiar sound in the air, no words, just music that I've heard before but I still can't make up what song it is. Michael was talking to me over the very soft music, he was smiling while he was talking about his son I don't know which.
"He sang his ABC's today, you should've heard him, it was very funny"I was looking at his eyes the entire time. I swear I looked stupid. Then he touched my hand. I think I died but I swear I felt his hand on mine. I REALLY FELT IT. Then my jaw dropped, he leaned near my face, with his elbows on the top of the table then asked me to dance with him.
"Dance with me, Lea" he said, almost whispering, it was barely a question, he pretty much commanded me to dance with him although I can still hear him saying my name. It was the best sound ever.
I was sooo tiny and I'm not a good dancer that I wanted to say no, also because I don't want him to find out that I don't have any shoes on, I am 5'4" on foot and he looked so tall and lanky, but to avoid reasoning with him I said "ok" I somehow knew from my dream that he won't take no for an answer.
So he went over my side of the table, then reached down for my hand. I exhaled loudly then took his hand, he saw I was on foot, he wrinkled his forehead a bit but he did not ask why I'm barefoot. He let go of my hand then removed his blazers he wrapped me in it then I think he said
"There. better?" I nodded then he asked,
"I'm sorry? Better?"
then I looked at him then said,
"yeah... better".
Then he smiled. His sweet, angelic, perfect smile.
He held my hand then he wrapped his other arm around my waist. I was barely moving, his chin I think was on top of my head, he looked behind him because somebody screamed his name, I looked at the side of his arms too, but there was nobody there, then he faced me again, raising his eyebrows, puzzled, as if saying,
hmmm, there's nobody there. Then he spun me around holding my arm up, I felt like laughing because it tickled my tummy a bit, after that he pulled me close. I felt his breath on my hair, my heart was pounding while he was looking down on me, I knew he will kiss me and for some stupid reason I got scared so I looked down and I was surprised that we were both barefoot, he gently raised my chin with his finger, then he kissed my forehead.
I felt it.
I really did.
That was a kiss from Michael to me.
I knew it.
I heard the music it was still softly playing but loud enough for me to hear it...
♫ when you turned to me and smiled / it took my breath away / i have never had such a feeling / such a feeling of complete and utter love / as I do tonight / lady in red / is dancing with me ♪
Then I woke up.
My mom was playing Lady in Red in the living room. I have tears in my eyes which is kinda stange because I don't recall crying in my dream. I didn't want to wake up. I didn't even say goodbye to my date. I tried to sleep again but I can't, the sunshine from my window is not letting me sleep anymore. It was 7:23AM.
It sounds stupid, pardon me, but what happened to Michael in my dream? Did I leave him? It was a dream that I'll never ever forget. It was pure and sweet and he was smiling the whole time. I know he's been busy visiting his fans and I'll forever be thankful that one night he came over to visit me in my dream.
Thanks for reading...